Oak Trees

 1. Oak Trees

Oak trees are beautiful trees that grow to massive sizes if given a chance. But the process happens very slowly over hundreds of years. From a tiny acorn to a mighty oak, as the saying goes.

These trees are awarded for their durable and valuable hardwood. In the past, it was a popular choice for furniture, wood paneling, and even building ships.

There are two main types of oaks, white oaks, and red oaks. As their name suggests, red oaks have darker bark than white oaks. But each type produces acorns, which you may find scattered over the ground near an oak tree.

2. Birch Trees

Birch trees are hardwood deciduous trees that are easy to spot. They have a silvery bark, although it can look white depending on the tree. The leaves are triangular, have a serrated edge, and droop downward.

There are eleven common types of birch trees such as the bog birch, cherry birch, and paper bark birch. There are also local varieties, including the Himalayan and the Japanese white birch.

They grow worldwide in temperate zones and look very pretty, especially in winter. During the colder seasons, it's easier to notice the silvery look of their trunks.

3. Ash Trees

Ash trees have dense leaves that grow in a well-rounded crown, starting fairly low down. These trees often have a grayish bark and are very strong and dense. They can withstand all sorts of weather conditions and live for centuries.


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